Community Engagement Strategy And Ongoing Project Support for the Digital Arabia Network & Women In Business

Digital Arabia Network (DAN) brings together professionals from the MENA Region working for skillful use of digital tools and technologies.

Why DAN chose to collaborate with FairForce

The DAN wants to secure equal access to technologies and digital literacy to close the socio-economic gap between rural and urban areas in the Arab World and empower women to apply, study and work in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

FairForce is contracted to support DAN with ongoing community engagement and communication strategy, for their online conference and community program, to help them achieve the goal of making their online events and community projects more accessible and inclusive.

The Digital Arabia Network brings together a huge number of professionals from the MENA Region and from the Diaspora Community. However, they have long struggled to create a consistent plan of engagement, not knowing exactly how to create more visibility around their events and programs. 

They were looking for someone with community-specific expertise to create more traction towards the DAN’s activity plan and boost engagement, so as to make the programs and the mission more visible to the community.

FairForce helped DAN with project management and strategy

This included:

• Fine tuning the vision for the DAN network towards more community engagement. 

• Supporting the development of structured digital formats for the online events of DAN to achieve the community vision. 

• Consulting on the internet presence of DAN.

• Community consulting to enhance the visibility and engagement of the DAN network across their social media channels. 

• Creating a format for at least one DAN event and consulting on the implementation. 

• Writing a report summarizing all of the above with recommendations and a timeline for implementation.

The outcome of our work together

We had more than 30 submissions (the target was initially set at 20)

We had 400+ registrations for the conference.

50% of the program was pitched and led by members of the community (through an open call for proposals).

50%+ of the speakers were women-identifying.

We achieved the expected diversity in nationalities within the MENA region.


The Digital Arabia Network (DAN)

This company believes that the world needs innovative solutions and strategies to keep on turning in challenging times. They created their platform for the Arab world, which extends from the MENA region to the European diaspora, to connect, transform and create in digital spaces. Their various event formats range from international conferences and interactive discussion panels to hackathons and online competitions.


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