We Dare To Care

Our work helps changemakers across industries position themselves as leaders in their field so they can actualize their values-led, community oriented goals. We challenge traditional business growth - AKA ‘business as usual’ capitalist models - by shifting the way we define success, growth, leadership and impact, so that the business ecosystem can be rooted into principles of equity, sustainability and care.

We’re on a mission to reimagine the way we do and grow business. Want to join us?


We serve solo business owners, social enterprises and impact-driven founders. 

FairForce is here to redefine cultures of entrepreneurship towards a more human way of doing business that creates a justice-focused economic, cultural and social system for all.

We believe that reconnecting with joy and being clear on your core values are essential, yet often overlooked, criteria to embed into the foundations of a successful, sustainable and impactful business.

Our Values

  • FairForce believes that the world of work has a responsibility to advance social equity.

    We work to help organizations create cultures of work and business that foster equitable systems for all.

  • At FairForce we are very vocal about what has to change in society. We believe that the way we do business matters and we have a responsibility to foster change through any business, project or community we create.⁠

    The work we do should be driven by the intention of creating some level of positive shifting and transformation. Whether that is through our individual actions or through larger-scale projects, aiming to have an impact and foster change matters. ⁠

  • At FairForce, we focus on people and human-centric approaches. We believe that community is an essential part of doing business and that businesses should focus on leveraging community values and building community-driven models.

    Community as a value means to believe that there is an equal worth in the "I" and "They" (becoming "WE") and that there is a power in togetherness: together we are stronger, louder and more successful.

  • At FairForce, we believe in a system of work and business that is built upon, informed by and is co-created through the experiences and needs of the People and the Earth.

    We envision businesses and workplaces that are built by taking into account and respecting community and environmental needs, conscious that the health and well-being of our Planet are directly linked to our ability to survive and thrive.

Margherita looking in the camera and smiling

FairForce was Founded by Marghe and is an ever evolving team of partners, service-based freelancers & consultants.

You get 1-1 support on your ethical business growth strategy, and if you want more support we can discuss ways to work together moving forward!