What Is Ethical Growth And What It Looks Like In Business

Ethical Business Growth is an innovative, socially conscious and sustainable business strategy that helps you build a successful business and grow it in a way that prioritizes human, nature and community values.

We like to think of Ethical Business Growth as your unique opportunity to combine growth and impact in your business experience, run a business that creates positive change and build a more equitable, inclusive and respectful business ecosystem.

We know that the term “Ethical Business Growth” may sound complicated.

But it’s not!

Ethical business growth is what you do when you stop following the business as usual strategies and start leading your business work through new and better values.

In the ethical business growth model, you center purpose in your mission, align every practice and strategy around your values and create an entrepreneurship experience for yourself and your community rooted in personal wellbeing, community care and sustainable growth. 

How can you activate ethical growth in your business work?

  • Question what you see around and the business strategy concepts you read or learn about.

  • Do business with more social, cultural, and human awareness.

  • Prioritize your impact values and bring your impact values to the forefront of your business strategies and practices.

  • Don’t make money your first and only goal in business, but expand your business-building purpose to the broader experience of community-building, trust-building, holistic growth and human connection.

  • Step into your leadership agency and use your business as a channel to catalyze positive change and influence the business ecosystem more ethically. 

  • Move beyond doing business only for transactional purposes and integrate more human, ethical and equity values into your process.

  • Reject strategies, tactics, storytelling and content that are rooted in systems of manipulation and only focus on leveraging people’s neediness for profit purposes.

  • Speak up against the business-as-usual and lead by example to help your audience and community learn new business strategies and practices.

What does ethical growth look like in your business work?

  • You start recognizing harmful marketing and sales practices and turn your compass towards strategies that prioritize consumer consent, transparency, inclusion and honest storytelling.

  • You use an ethical storytelling approach and don’t create content or marketing resources that make fake promises like building a 6-figure business in a week.

  • You prioritize building relationships with your leads and clients, delivering meaningful experiences and building trust with your audience so they buy from you from a place of trust, transparency and full awareness.

  • You don’t force your clients to enter a loop of debts or to buy from a place of fear and scarcity when they buy from us.

  • You shift your own definition of growth and start measuring your business development track based on holistic metrics, so we create a new value and data system that includes both numbers and experiences.

  • You acknowledge the existence of privilege and create a sliding-scale pricing model that calls in a diverse audience and allows clients to benefit from what you offer across different circumstances and personal needs.

  • You don’t burn out in our business because you need to keep up with unrealistic business standards or because you buy into the hustle culture, but you prioritize your own rest and know that building sustainable and joyful business practices helps cultivate self and community care.

How can we start shifting our business strategy towards more ethical business growth?

Read our blog post on Business Leadership and how it ethically boosts your business growth.

Check out FairForce’s 3 Pillars Of Ethical Business Growth.

Do you want to know what business growth strategies exist outside the business as usual and learn how these can leverage your business success?

Book A Discovery Call, and let’s talk!


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